Our Services


Removes buildup of dead skin + aids in removal of peach fuzz. This form of manual exfoliation results in glowing skin that will better absorb your home regimen into your skin + give you EVEN better results! Recommended every 4+ weeks.

brow tint + Wax

Can last up to 4 weeks on hair with proper after care. Can dye skin and last for a few days depending on aftercare + daily habits.

Brow Henna + wax

Lasts 4-6 weeks on hair. Dye can remain on skin up to 2 weeks

Lash Lift + Tint

Lasts 6-8 weeks with proper after care. Your lashes but better.

Coming Soon

lash lifts

Coming Soon

brow tinting

Coming Soon

henna brows

Coming Soon


Coming Soon lash lifts Coming Soon brow tinting Coming Soon henna brows Coming Soon Dermaplaning

selfcare isnt selfish